Any fleeting pleasure tends to be laced with guilt – rather like the sickly-sweet cake you thought you wanted but instantly regret.
Didn’t have much money, so happiness was the thrill of finding bargains in charity shops and on eBay. When those first pay packets started rolling in, the goal became earning that all important end-of-the-month treat. Happiness was saving up for the perfect pair of boots or a new winter coat.
Didn’t have much money, so happiness was the thrill of finding bargains in charity shops and on eBay. When those first pay packets started rolling in, the goal became earning that all important end-of-the-month treat. Happiness was saving up for the perfect pair of boots or a new winter coat.
The key is finding a healthy balance and being the one in control. This means a bit less impulse buying from now on, and a little more consideration. At its best, shopping for great clothes should make me feel like I’m winning at life, not losing. This will only happen when I learn a bit of moderation.
I’ve always believed that buying stuff has the magical ability to make me happy.